Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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iOS Exploits
iOS Exploits Data
Name | Type | Access Granted | Born Date & iOS Version | Modification Date | Death Date | Found by | Description |
Archon | Remote Architecture Detection | ||||||
Dyonedo | Codesign Defeat | ||||||
Earth | Remote Exploit | ||||||
Eve | Remote Exploit | ||||||
Elderpiggy | Sandbox Escape | ||||||
Ironic | Kernel ASLRAddress Space Layout Randomization Defeat | ||||||
Nandao | Kernel Exploit | ||||||
Persistence | Reboot Persistence | ||||||
Redux | Close Access | ||||||
Rhino | Kernel ASLRAddress Space Layout Randomization Defeat | ||||||
Sal | Codesign Defeat | ||||||
Saline | Close Access | ||||||
Wintersky | Kernel ASLRAddress Space Layout Randomization Defeat | ||||||
Xiphos | Validation Issue | Kernel Exploit | March 2014, iOS 7 | 11/14, iOS 8.1.1 | GCHQ |
Available for: iPhone 4S and later, iPod Touch 5th gen and later, iPad 2 and Later. |
iOS 4 (4.0 - 4.3.3) | iOS 5 (5.0 - 5.1.1) | iOS 6 (6.x - 6.1.2) | iOS 6.1.3 - 6.1.4 | iOS 7 | iOS 8 | |||||||
Remote | Local | Remote | Local | Remote | Local | Remote | Local | Remote | Local | Remote | Local | |
Kernel Info Leak | <NR> | <NR> | <NR> | <NR> | rhino | rhino | rhino | rhino | <NR> | <NR> | ||
Sandbox Escape (browser) | ?? | <NR> | ?? | <NR> | sandshrew | <NR> | sandshrew | <NR> | piggy | <NR> | <XX> | |
Kernel Exploit | <NR> | <NR> | <NR>, CORONA(5.0.1) | <NR> | cutlass |
cutlass |
scimitar | scimitar | xiphos | xiphos | nandao | nandao |
code sign defeat | EARLYKATANA | EARLYKATANA | EARLYKATANA | EARLYKATANA | katana (libamfi) | katana (libamfi) | dyonedo | dyonedo | dyonedo | dyonedo | <XX> | <XX> |
Access | SAFFRONSKIES (4.3 only?) | SLIDE | SUNSETSKIES | SLIDE | wby | redux | wby | redux | eve | redux | eve | redux (beta dmg) |
persistence (reboot) | overrides.plist | overrides.plist | overrides.plist | overrides.plist | overrides.plist / launchd.conf |
overrides.plist / launchd.conf |
dirhelper | dirhelper | dirhelper | dirhelper | <XX> | <XX> |
persistence (update) | NO (OTA <NR>) | NO (OTA <NR>) | YES(sys not touched) | YES(sys not touched) | block | block | block | block | block | block | ||
XX = required, but not available. <NR> = not required ?? - Unknown / some else fill this in