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Rain Maker v1.0 Developer Notes
====================================================DEVELOPER NOTES RAINMAKER V1.0===============================================
RainMaker Configurator:
The Configurator code configures the payloads and infects media.
- On each run of the configurator, all past generated files are deleted (IMPORTANT - save private key in another place if needed).
- Pubic/Private keys are generated for each configuration, unless a public key is provided by the user
- The configuration can be split into two steps, payload configuration and media infection.
- Next all supplied options are packed into a serialized structure and added to the resources of both the stub dll and RainMaker dll.
- The configured RainMaker dll is encrypted.
- Next all appropriate files are copied to the thumbdrive, any previous payloads will be securely deleted from the drive.
RainMaker Stub DLL:
The Rain Maker Stub DLLDynamic Link Library is loaded initially and is used to prevent the decryption of RainMaker on any volume other than the one it is running from.
- Rain Maker Stub gets loaded by vlc.exe. A modification of the external manifest forces an insecure loading of psapi.dll. Rain Maker Stub forwards
all calls to psapi.dll to the actual psapi.dll.
- Rain Maker Stub gets the volume serial number of the volume it is executing on.
- Rain Maker uses the serial number to generate a key and decrypt (in memory) the Rain Maker payload
- The LoadFromMemory_INTD module is then used to kick off the decrypted dll in memory.
Rain Maker DLL:
Rain Maker DLLDynamic Link Library does a survey and targeted file collection. All collect is stored back to ADSs off the root of the volume.
- DLLDynamic Link Library Main starts a new thread "Run Thread"
- The configuration options are loaded from the resources and deserialized into a structure
- Checks to see if the drive is too full according to the config options
- Uses DTNtfsAds_BK and inits storage off of the root of the volume (E:\\:$DataIdN)
- Executes SWMI_RoadRunner survey
- Keeps hash list of survey (MD5 of computer name and last survey filetime)
- If computer doesn't have a survey or if last survey is older than 7 days, a new survey is taken
- Creates file collection parameters
- Loops through list of directories to collect from (semi-colon delimited), conducts file collection one at a time
- If drive becomes full, collection is not stored.
- Cleanup
Rain Maker Post Processor:
Rain Maker Post Processor decrypts collected data, formats it, and restructures the data.
- Takes args: Path to media, private key for decryption, optional output directory
- Loops through each ADSAda Specification (file) file, reconstructs chunks using headers
- Creates separate folder for each collection time in output directory
- If exists, places survey in root of collection directory
- Reconstructs directory structure of collected files