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Convert a Mercurial Repository to GIT on Windows
Follow the steps below to convert your Mercurial repository to a Git repository.
Step-by-step guide
Install required software and setup the environment.
- Install Git for Windows
- Install Mercurial using the msi installer (\\FS-01\Share\Windows Software Development Resources\Mercurial Tools\Mercurial)
- Install Python 2.7.6 or higher (\\FS-01\Share\Windows Software Development Resources\Python)
- Add the Python root directory to PATH
- Set an environment variable for PYTHON to point to the python executable> (PATH=C:\Python27\python.exe)
2. Open a terminal and verify all tools are available in PATH ( hg, git, python).
3. Get the Mercurial source files.
Assuming we'll be working in the c:\projects\source directory and the Mercurial baseline has been locally copied to c:\projects\hg_repo:
- Open a terminal window and change directory to c:\projects\source
- Clone the Mercurial baseline: git clone hg::c:\projects\hg_repo
- You should now see source code files in c:\projects\source.
4. Create an empty GITSource code management software repository and clone it: git clone ssh:// c:\projects\target
5. Unzip the fast-export tool to the target directory (\\FS-01\Share\Windows Software Development Resources\Mercurial Tools\fast-export-edited for, ignoring the .git folder
6. Change directories to the target directory
7. Run the shell script to import the Mercurial repo into Git ( -r c:\projects\source)
8. Checkout HEAD to check that everything looks good (git checkout HEAD)
9. Remove the conversion files
- git cliean -f
- del /Q hg2git.pyc
10. Rename .hgignore to .gitignore (ren .hgignore .gitignore)
- Add the new file to the baseline
- git add .gitignore
- git commit -m ".hgignore renamed to .gitignore"
11. Push the new Git repository to GitHub ( git push -u origin master )
- You can also copy and paste or drag and drop images into your instructions.
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