Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Setting up to build Roid Rage v3.x
- Install/extract a current NDK
- Extract NDKNative Development Kit compressed package to local directory
- Install standalone NDKNative Development Kit to a path:
$NDK/build/tools/ --arch=arm --platform=android-9 --install-dir=/tmp/my-android-toolchain
Note: Do not use ~ to represent your home directory, as the NDKNative Development Kit toolchain script will not properly evaluate it
- Clone stash repositories for Roid Rage and common aquarius files. Note that these projects must be cloned into the specific pathnames cited below.
- git clone ssh://stash/aq/aqrr.git AQ_RR
- git clone ssh://stash/aq/aqcommon.git AQ_Common AQ_Common
- Define environment variables
- RRBASEDIR=<path containing AQ_RR>/AQ_RR/build/android
- STANDALONE=<path to installed NDKNative Development Kit standalone>
Setting up a test Roid Rage with Poseidon:
- Go to Poseidon ( and create a package and a job for the target device.
- When configuring the Roid Rage package, configure the comms manager's LPListening Post to
- Once the Roid Rage package is created and downloaded, open the readme file included in the download package and follow the instructions.
- Go to to setup the LPListening Post (Listening Post) in Poseidon for this test setup.
- To be continued....