Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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JQJGUNSHY: testing bowtie.jar
ID | Status | Task |
1 | complete | LT29_9.2.A.0.295_MEA Mena Arabic |
2 | incomplete | LT29_7.0.A.3.212_1266-6178_RU(PCT).ftf |
3 | incomplete | SXTX LT29i_9.2.A.0.295_Thailand (1266-3318).ftf |
4 | incomplete | Xperia TX_LT29i_9.1.B.0.411_Global.ftf |
Note that all the LT29 ROMs are located in share/MDB/Android/Software/Xperia/ROMs.
As of March 1st, bowtie.jar (survey tool) is built using the bowtie's branch "new_adt."