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What is LoggedLeaf?
LoggedLeaf is a subclass of the standard Leaf class provided by Tyrant. It is meant to provide generally useful functionality that any windows test might want.
It comes standard in the EDGEngineering Development Branch leafbag courtesy of AIB. All questions/comments/concerns/bugs should go to User #78173. (Or just fix it. It's stash, you have the ability)
I don't like to read things other than code
Me either.
Here is a thing that implements LoggedLeaf:
What features does it give me?
- Remote Log Gathering
- Provide a list of files in self.remote_log. After the test, on success or failure, LoggedLeaf will gather the data and put it on the webpage, linked with the host it was taken from
- Useful for grabbing output files or debug stuff
- Automatically show Tasklist
- Set self.print_tasklist to True and after each test each windows machine will print its task list to the log.
- Useful for visually looking for crashes or whatever
- Auto-cleaning on Test Server
- Add to the self.clean_directories() and after the test those directories will be deleted from the Test server.
- You probably should NOT/NOT add '/', but adding your temp directories is a good and smart thing
- Screenshots on end-state
- Set self.screenshot_on_success, self.screenshot_on_error, and/or self.screenshot_on_failure
- A screen shot will be taken on each host that ends the test with the given state (ie, success, error, failure)
- MINIDUMP Collection
- Turn on self.collect_dumps and any process that crashes will produce a minidump that will be automatically gathered
- (None of my code ever crashes, so I have no idea what kind of terrible coder would need this)
Teach me to use it, please
Inheireit from LoggedLeaf instead of Leaf
Change your run(self) function to run_logged(self).
Here is a snippet that turns some things on:
from edg.utilities.python.LoggedLeaf import LoggedLeaf
class CocoonLeaf(LoggedLeaf):
remote_log = [ 'c:\\TBDMA.log' ]
print_tasklist = True
screenshot_on_error = True
screenshot_on_failure = True
def run_logged( self ):
... run your tests normally here ...
Should I use it?
LoggedLeaf is only for cool people doing cool things. If you are not a cool person, or you are not doing a cool thing, then LoggedLeaf may not be right for you.
(Note you must be both cool and doing a cool thing, so like ( &&, not ( ||