Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #11629142
Lab Demonstrations
NDB Demos
- Panda Poke - Huawei credless exploit
- Drillbit - Cisco HG Covert Tunnel (available on router or switch)
- VOIP - Huawei VOIPVoice over Internet Protocol (Internet telephony) Collection
- MITM - Cisco HG redirection integrated with Windex
- Panda Flight - Huawei Covert Tunnel
- AAC (DIVRTDigital Imaging & Video Recovery Team & SMITE) - Cisco HG iframe injection integration w/ Windex & DNSDomain Name System record tampering
- ROCEM - Cisco catalyst HG credless exploit
- Cinnamon (Redirection & Network Survey) - Cisco Cinnamon web page redirection
- IAC & SPL V10
- HG Curveball
- PaPr/PaNs
Check Demos script
The Check Demos script is used to get a quick idea of the status of the network devices, virtual machines, and IP phones used in a particular demo. The script just pings each of the devices associated with a demo and displays the results.
The latest and most up-to-date script lives on the LokiRepository ( It is in the 'Check Demos script' folder.
Initial Script Setup
<insert instructions here>
Add python to path (create/upload PS profile)
Copy script to Docs/check_demos
Using the script
The simplest way to run the demo is using PowerShell. Open a PowerShell window.
Issue the command:
> python C:\Users\user1\Documents\scripts\check_demos\