Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #14587667
Create and Modify Your Powershell Profile
- First check whether or not your profile exists.
- Test-Path $profile
- If the query returned "False", then your profile does not exist.
- Create your profile
- New-Item -path $profile -type file - force
- The output of the previous command will tell you where your profile was created. The path given as the "Directory" output is the directory containing your profile. It will be something like C:\Users\user1\Documents\WindowsPowerShell.
- Open Windows Explorer and go to that directory. Your profile will be "Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1".
- By default your profile will be empty. You can edit your profile to customize your powershell window default settings. One setting that you will likely need is modifying the PATH environment variable to include the python directory.
- To add the python directory to your path, open your profile (Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1) in a text editor and add the following line.
- $env:Path += ";C:\python27"
- You can test your settings by opening a powershell window and typing "$env:Path". You should see "C:\python27" added to the end of your path.