Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #71468
Check for PSP Detection
This article aims to give an overview of how to ensure a payload dropped to a DARTTest-Software (commercial) VMVirtual Machine is not detected by a Personal Security Product (PSPPersonal Security Product (Anti-Virus)). The article assumes the reader is familiar with DARTTest-Software (commercial) in general and will instead focus on specifics related to the PSPPersonal Security Product (Anti-Virus) scripts located in the EDGEngineering Development Branch leafbag.
This is a work in progress... exuse any sloppiness or unfinished sections until I'm done
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Determining which PSPPersonal Security Product (Anti-Virus) is installed:
In order to know which PSPPersonal Security Product (Anti-Virus) script to use, we must first find out which PSPPersonal Security Product (Anti-Virus) is installed. DART refers to installed PSPs as "apps" and allows use to retrieve a list of those that are installed.
The following is an exercpt from, which is used to determine the PSPPersonal Security Product (Anti-Virus) installed on a VMVirtual Machine and run tests accordingly.
# Get the app string from the VMVirtual Machine to determine which PSPPersonal Security Product (Anti-Virus) is installed
def get_app_string(ip_address):
cmd = './media/tyworkflow/bin/db_admin -j list_resources with_header=False filter_by=ip="%s" select=apps'\
% ip_address
import os
x = os.popen(cmd)
data =
return data
From here, if we know the app name of the PSPPersonal Security Product (Anti-Virus) we're interested in, we can simply query to see if the name exists in the app string and load the appropriate PSPPersonal Security Product (Anti-Virus) script accordingly. The following is an excerpt from showing this in the form of several "if, elif" cases
app_string = get_app_string(host.ip)
if 'avast' in app_string:'PSP appears to be Avast')
self.psp = avast.Avast(host)
elif 'avgis' in app_string:'PSP appears to be AVG')
self.psp = avg.Avg(host)
Table of PSPs Implemented:
The following table shows which PSPPersonal Security Product (Anti-Virus) scripts have been implemented and to what degree as of 1/20/2015.
The scripts can always be improved or further implemented, so I encourage any users to take a look at them and make changes as necessary. If a method is not implemented for a given script, that does NOT mean it's impossible - simply that I didn't get around to it. See if you can implement the functionality and update this table
Table Legend | Yes | Relies on GUI |
No / Not Yet |
Note: If a script relies on GUIGraphical User Interface interaction, mixed results may ensure. Use a implementation that requires GUIGraphical User Interface interaction with caution
PSP Name | psp_is_updated | run_static_scan | check_dynamic_logs |
Avast | Y | Y | Y |
AVG | Y | Y | G |
Avira | Y | Y | Y |
Bit Defender | Y | G | Y |
Clam | Y | G | Y |
Eset | Y | Y | Y |
F-Secure | Y | Y | Y |
GData | Y | Y | Y |
Kaspersky | Y | Y | Y |
McAfee | Y | Y | Y |
MSE | Y | Y | Y |
Net Protect | Y | N | N |
Norton | Y | N | N |
Panda | Y | N | N |
Rising | Y | N | N |
SEP | Y | Y | Y |
Trend Micro | Y | G | Y |
Zone Alarm | Y | Y | Y |
Known "Gotchas" and Workarounds:
Additional Notes:
Example Tests:
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