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File Collection Library
Stash Repository: File Collection Library
Interface Description: The interfaces for the File Collection Library are intended to be unilateral.
There exist three file collection interfaces, the second two building off the first, most basic interface.
IFileCollectionBase - The base interface for the following two interfaces. It can be the base for any file collection class, but provides for only the most basic file matching, or whatever method the developer wants to implement.
IFileCollection_NoPriority - Provides the definition of a collection parameter that allows for more detailed collection specs base on size, dates, locations, etc.
IFileCollection_Priority - Provides the definition of a collection parameter that allows for more detailed collection specs, but with the addition of a spec priority field.
/*Allocates any needed memory and initializes any implementation specific class and member variables.*/
virtual FileCollectErr Initialize(PWCHAR pszFileSpecs, DWORD dwSpecsBufSize, PWCHAR pszRoot = NULL, void * pParam = NULL) = 0;
/*Optional. Return eFC_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED if not implemented. This function is intended for use by asynchronous collection classes.*/
virtual FileCollectErr EnumerateFiles(HANDLE * hEnumerationThread = NULL);
/*Collects files that match given parameters, whether found within CollectFiles call or using EnumerateFiles beforehand. */
virtual FileCollectErr CollectFiles(void * pParam = NULL) = 0;
/*Optional. Return eFC_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED if not implemented. This function is intended for use by asynchronous collection classes.*/
virtual FileCollectErr StopCollection() = 0;
The FileCollection library requires use of the DataPackager interface. The purpose of this is to make the actual data collection (compression, encryption, IO, storage) more portable and separate from the collection algorithm. All constructors for FileCollection classes want an IDataPackager object.
Library Conventions:
Prefix: FC (FileCollector)
File Collection Type: PRI (Prioritized Collection)
Enumerated Files: E
Short one or two word description of method/algorithm used. (Recursive, depth first, anything that is unique.)
FC_BasicNonRecursive : File Collection class that uses a non-recursive algorithm to traverse file system. No priority based collection, no file enumeration.
FC_PRI_E_Asynchronous: A file collection class that allows prioritization of collection constraints, and enumerates files using asynchronous methods.
File Collection Member List:
Non-recursive algorithm that inherits from IFileCollectionBase - Class Name: FC_BasicNonRecursive
Error Code Descriptions:
Error codes are compatible with the SUCCEEDED() and FAILED() macros
enum FileCollectErr : int
// Success
eFC_SUCCESS = 0, //Successful operation
// Failure
eFC_ERROR_GENERIC = -1, //General error
eFC_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED = -2, //Function is not supported/implemented
eFC_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY = -3, //Unable to allocate memory
eFC_ERROR_ROOT_NOT_FOUND = -4, //Given root not found
eFC_ERROR_ROOT_ACCESS_DENIED = -5, //Given root not accessible
eFC_ERROR_ROOT_INVALID = -6, //Given root is an invalid path
eFC_ERROR_BAD_ARG = -7, //Bad arguments
eFC_ERROR_PACKAGER_BUFFER = -8, //Generic DataPackager error regarding buffer
eFC_ERROR_PACKAGER_DATATRANSFER = -9, //Generic DataPackager error regarding transfer
eFC_ERROR_PACKAGER_DEST_FULL = -10, //Destination media for collected files is full.
eFC_ERROR_NO_DATA_PACKAGER = -11, //No DataPackager initialized.
eFC_ERROR_NO_CRITERIA = -12, //No search criteria defined.
eFC_ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED = -13 //Collection aborted (via Stop function or other means)
Code Sample Using The Library Interface: