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Miscellaneous Library
Stash Repository: Miscellaneous Library
Miscellaneous Library: The Miscellaneous Library (EDGEngineering Development Branch APIApplication Programming Interface) is a collection of functions and classes that are useful in the development of modules in multiple libraries. These code snippets include everything that isn't comprehensive enough to fit in another library (a smaller set of functionality). There are no defined interfaces or error codes for the Miscellaneous Library. All module documentation for the library should be placed in the AEDApplied Engineering Devision Knowledge Base.
All Miscellaneous modules should start with MISC and have a descriptive name.
Example: MISCFolderAccessControl_SVI
MISC = Miscellanous Module
FolderAccessControl = Modifies the ACLAccess Control List of a file or directory
_SVI = System Volume Information - Generated in order to unlock and relock System Volume Informatiom directories (A crypt name/abbreviation is needed to differentiate between modules that do similar or the same things in different ways).
Module List:
Lock and Unlock System Volume Information (MISCFolderAccessControl_SVI)
Convert to UTF-8 (String Encoding Class - MISCStringEncoder_WIN32)
Capture and Reset File State (MISCFileStateCapture_WIN)
Text File Typing - Determing Encoding (MISCTextFileTyper_ENC)
Giraffe Link Files (MISCLinkWriter_GRF)