Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #524297
Sprint 1 Retrospective
('details' missing)
What did we do well?
- Implemented user stories/JIRA issues with minimal code changes
- Relied on component libraries to support capabilities, not reinventing the wheel
- Used automation to create build systems and parse test results
- Used Stash to maintain discipline in code cleanliness and ensure code reviewed by multiple developers
What should we have done better?
- Be more careful to include unit tests for each newly incorporated feature if possible
- If not possible, consider writing acceptance test?
- Look at Dart integration for cross-platform checks and acceptance tests.
ID | Status | Task |
1 | incomplete | User #524297 : Ensure that updated licenses for Atlassian allow for upgrades to Bamboo and Stash for automating build triggers. |
27 | complete | User #524297 : Look at automated string checking. |
28 | complete | User #524297 : Create bug in JIRA for string obfuscation in project. |
29 | complete | User #1179751 : Look at DARTTest-Software (commercial) integration. |
30 | complete | Documentation in Confluence. |
31 | complete | User #524297 : Look at Confluence template for project space creation. |