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How to click controls and send text, alternate method
Another way to send text to controls
I was not able to get the "controlSend(win, ctlId, instance, text)" command to function, so I used the "windowSend(hwndCtl, text)".
When I used the "setCheckbox(hwndCtl, value)" command the control changed the check mark display, but other functionality did not occur (the password never appeared in clear text). I conclude that the setCheckbox() command does not accomplish what clicking on a check box accomplishes.
When I double click on a text field and then send() text, the new text is the only text in the control. Using windowSend() I needed to remove the old text prior to writing the new text.
Care is needed when mingling windowSend() and setCheckbox() as they use the control's hwnd, which is easy to find in a table, but the instance is different than the instance for controlClick()
Examine the tool using Resource Hacker, or equivalent, to examine the structure that defines the different controls. Note the red * that appears beside the entry for Hide Password since I have selected the control in the representation of the GUI.
Step-by-step guide
Using controlClick(win, ctlId, instance, numClicks)
Start Button 0 'Button' 1 # This is the first occurrence of type BUTTON in the structure (not the ‘1’ in the structure)
Exit Button 1 'Button' 2 # This is the second occurrence of type BUTTON (not the ‘2’ in the structure)
File Name 4 'Edit' 2 # This is the second occurrence of type EDIT (5th entry)
Password 6 'Edit' 3 # This is the third occurrence of type BUTTON (7th entry)
Hide Passwd 9 'Button' 4 # This is the fourth occurrence of type BUTTON (the entry with the red *)
Things needed in your code:
from tyutils.window_and_controls_util import setup_wincon
def run(self):
target = host.createEmissary()
# Setting up Windows and Controls
Rwincon,Rsend = setup_wincon(target)
… start execution of tool under test
# Find tool
proc_hwnd = Rwincon.getWindowByAppxTitle('Goldie Small')
procs = Rwincon.getChildWindows(proc_hwnd) # This creates a table of [hwnd, title, class] entries that match the structure above, needed for Method 2.
Method 1:
Rsend.controlClick(proc_hwnd, 'Edit', 3, 2) # double click Password
Rsend.Send('LikeWow') # Write to password control
Method 2:
Rsend.windowSend (procs[6][0], PassWd) # procs[6][0] is the hwnd for the Password Control.
Method 1:
Rsend.controlClick(proc_hwnd, 'Button', 4, 1) # click Hide Passwd
Method 2:
Rsend.setCheckbox (procs[9][0], 0) # This changed the GUI, but the program did not make the password readable
Method 1:
Rsend.controlClick(proc_hwnd, 'Edit', 2, 2) # double click Filename
Rsend.Send(rarname) # Write to filename control
Method 2:
for x in range (1, 25): # windowSend does not overwrite selected text, it appends, so you need to clean out the old manually
Rsend.windowSend (procs[4][0], '{BS}') # Send a bunch (hopefully enough) of back-spaces
Rsend.windowSend (procs[4][0], rarname) # procs[4][0] is the hwnd for the Password Control.
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