Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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- hoInstall smb://
mkdir homebrew
tar xvf -C homebrew ~/Downloads/Homebrew-homebrew-13424d1.tar.gz
mv homebrew /usr/local/homebrew
Add /usr/local/homebrew/bin to your path
Installing Homebrew formulae offline
- If the formulae is not installed yet
- To install formulae locally, define the
enviroment variable to
when running brew install. - copy the formula file $(HOMEBREW_CACHE)/Formula, and copy the dependencies to $(HOMEBREW_CACHE)
- To install formulae locally, define the
export HOMEBREW_CACHE=/Volumes/share/Homebrew/Cachescp ~/Downloads/grep.rb $(HOMEBREW_CACHE)/Formula/cp grep-2.20.tar.xz xz-5.0.5.mavericks.bottle.3.tar.gz pcre-8.35.mavericks.bottle.tar.gz$(HOMEBREW_CACHE)/brew install grep
Otherwise install via
export HOMEBREW_CACHE=/Volumes/share/Homebrew/Caches brew install grep
- To get the dependencies, get on an internet machine with homebrew installed a do:
brew fetch --deps
- The dependencies will be in
(or /Library/Caches/Homebrew)