Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Concepts: High Level
OSB/EDG Libraries are meant to provide sets of reliable code for use in developing new tools (especially when the new tools require a tight development cycle). Interfaces are provided so that modules that accomplish certain tasks can be switched in/out "plug and play" style. For example, there may be a tool contains a module from Payload Deployment that starts getting caught by a PSP. The developer can then switch out one Payload Deployment module for another or carry multiple along and use each in different cases. Another benefit to this modular development effort is that it frees up development time for menial tasks and allows more focus to be put on the harder problems.
Current Library List:
Execution Vectors
Privilege Escalation
Data Transfer (Exfil/Infil/Covert Storage)
Payload Deployment
File Collection
System Monitoring and Manipulation
Miscellaneous (EDGEngineering Development Branch APIApplication Programming Interface)
The repositories will be split, so that each library will exsist in Unilateral form as well as Liaison Releasable. These will be two separate libraries and repositories as to ensure that there is no confusion as to which code belongs where.
Concepts: OSBOperation Support Branch Project Wizard >>
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