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Verify User is in the Administrator Group via Net User API (MISCIsUserInAdminGroup_NET)
Miscellaneous Module
Stash Repository: Miscellaneous Library
Module Name: MISCIsUserInAdminGroup_NET (Uses NET APIApplication Programming Interface)
Module Description: This module use a process ID (PIDProcess ID) to identify a specific user (Domain\user). The module then uses the derived domain and user names to obtain the privilege level as specified by the Net User APIApplication Programming Interface (NetUserGetInfo - USER_INFO_1). The module will tell you if the specified user is a part of the Administrators group.
Determines whether the user the code is currently running as is a member of the administrators group
static BOOL IsUserInAdminGroup(DWORD dwPID);
dwPID [in]: The process ID from which to derive the user and group level. Pass in GetCurrentProcessId() to determine if you are running in the context of a user who is a part of the Administrators group.
Returns TRUE if the specified user is a part of the Administrators group and FALSE if not.
PSP/OS Issues: No Known Issues
('excerpt' missing)
Sharing Level: Unilateral
Technique Origin: In-house (well-documented Windows APIApplication Programming Interface)
- This module will only tell you about the user associated with the process specified
- If the PIDProcess ID is different from the PIDProcess ID of the current process, you must make sure that the passed PIDProcess ID can be opened with QUERY_INFORMATION access rights
Module Return Codes:
Returns TRUE if the process's User is a member of the Administrators group. Returns FALSE if the process's user is a member of the user or guest groups.
Example Code:
//Determine from a separate process's PID
DWORD dwPID = 7320;
BOOL bRet = MISCIsUserInAdminGroup_NET::IsUserInAdminGroup(dwPID);
//Determine from our own PID
bRet = MISCIsUserInAdminGroup_NET::IsUserInAdminGroup(GetCurrentProcessId());