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List Installed Window Updates on WSUS Connected Machines (MISCEnumerateUpdatesCOM_WSUS)
Miscellaneous Module
Stash Repository: Miscellaneous Library
Module Name: MISCEnumerateUpdatesCOM_WSUS (Works when machine can connect to a WSUSWindows Server Update Service server).
Module Description: This module uses the COM object for the Windows Update Agent to query for Installed updates. This query only runs when the Windows Update Agent can connect to a WSUSWindows Server Update Service server. The module will return a linked list describing the KB Article IDs of all of the installed Windows Updates.
This function returns a linked list of the updates installed on the machine as detected by the Windows Update Agent. This module
requires that the update agent have access to a WSUSWindows Server Update Service server. The function returns TRUE on success and FALSE on failure.
static BOOL GetUpdateList(PUPDATE_LIST_WSUS &pList);
This function clears/frees all the data in an UPDATE_ENTRY_WSUS linked list
static BOOL FreeUpdateList(PUPDATE_LIST_WSUS &pList);
pList [in/out]: A pointer to a linked list of update KB Article IDs that are installed on the system. In GetUpdateList the pList is set to a linked list of update Article IDs. In FreeUpdateList, pList, is cleared and freed.
Returns TRUE on success and FALSE on failure.
PSP/OS Issues: No known issues.
('excerpt' missing)
Sharing Level: Unilateral
Technique Origin: In-house (Uses COM object for the Windows Update Agent).
- Windows 2000 SP3+
- Must be connected to a WSUSWindows Server Update Service server
- The KB Article IDs come are returned without the KB prefix
Module Specific Structures:
typedef struct _UPDATE_ENTRY_WSUS
WCHAR *wcKB; //The KB number of the installed update
_UPDATE_ENTRY_WSUS *pNextEntry; //Next entry in the linked list
Module Return Codes:
Returns TRUE on success and FALSE on failure.
Example Code:
WCHAR wcKB[] = L"2817301";
//Get the list of updates on the machine
BOOL bRet = MISCEnumerateUpdatesCOM_WSUS::GetUpdateList(pList);
//print KBs and find match
BOOL bFoundMatch = FALSE;
while (pNode != NULL)
if (pNode->wcKB != NULL)
if (wcsicmp(pNode->wcKB, wcKB) == 0)
bFoundMatch = TRUE;
//print out article id
wprintf(L"%s\n", pNode->wcKB);
pNode = pNode->pNextEntry;
//Free the list
bRet = MISCEnumerateUpdatesCOM_WSUS::FreeUpdateList(pList);
Previous versions:
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