Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Get User Account Control (UAC) Level (MISCUserAccountControlLevel_WIN32 - Windows Registry API)
Miscellaneous Module
Stash Repository: Miscellaneous Library
Module Name: All name information regarding the module to include file name, crypt name, etc.
Module Description: Describe how the technique works. All the cool things it does. Describe how cool the module writer is, etc.
Usage: MSDNMicrosoft Developer Network style documentation here.
PSP/OS Issues: Any PSP/OS issues associated with the technique.
('excerpt' missing)
*Miscellaneous modules should also contain "Excerpt Includes" from every non-miscellaneous module that uses it.
Sharing Level: Unilateral, Liaison, Intelligence Community (Default: Unilateral - until otherwise noted)
Technique Origin: In-house, internet/open-source, reversed malware, stolen, etc.
Notes: Any information that could be useful to anyone maintaining the code or using the code. i.e. This module uses Alternate Data Streams which are only available on NTFSNTMicrosoft operating system filesystem (Windows) volumes.
Module Specific Structures: Any module specific data structures.
Module Return Codes: Any module error/return codes should be described here.
Example Code: