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DerStarke 2.0
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Building DerStarke (Developer)
Top-Level Builder ( is intended to be a top-level builder that combines bokor (OSXApple operating system kernel injection), darkmatter (EFIExtensible Firmware Interface persistence), and a sample OSXApple operating system bundle. It can be used to create a fully configurable DerStarke release or used to setup a building environment for darkmatter testing/development. Note that there is a debug.plist and release.plist that has default values for a fully debug or release options. Feel free to use these files, but it is not recommended to modify them in that other files used them to make release builds (
-c <FILE>, --config=<FILE>- (required) configuration plist that defines the build parameters
- See preconfig.plist for example... some notable options:
- CMOS Debug
- Used by darkmatter when serial or screen printing is not available. This is used in all darkmatter PEIPre-EFI Initialization drivers and parts of S3Sleep.efi when it is waking up from the S3 sleep. It is not recommended to turn this on unless you are debugging those specific drivers.
- CMOS Debug
Building Inside externals/darkmatter