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tinc Protocol List
This is a complete list of TINC's meta-protocol commands. Handlers are defined in the protocol.c request_handlers array. The implementations are scattered in the protocol_* files.
('toc' missing)
Syntax: ID(0), STRING my_name, INT version
Send: Identify self to a foreign client.
Recv: Set allow_request to METAKEY and respond with a METAKEY command
Syntax: METAKEY(1), INT cipher, INT digest, INT mac_len, INT compression, STRING buffer
Send: Generates random session key, encrypts it w/ out's pub key, sends new key + all cipher info. All future comms will be done with this new key.
Recv: Initializes crypto w/ cipher info and, uses it's privkey to decrypt. Set's allow_request to CHALLENGE and sends a CHALLENGE command
Syntax: CHALLENGE(2), STRING buffer
Send: Fill c->hischallenge w/ random data and send it (note it will be encrypted because this comes after a METAKEY)
Recv: Write data to c->mychallenge, set allow_request to CHAL_REPLY, send a CHAL_REPLY command
Syntax: CHAL_REPLY(3), STRING buffer
Send: Hash c->mychallenge and send to other side
Recv: Check hash against hash of c->hischallenge. Set allow_request to ACKAcknowledge and send an ACKAcknowledge command.
Syntax: ACKAcknowledge(4), STRING my_port, INT estimated_weight, %x options
Send: Uses the difference between now() and the start of the connection as the weight.
Recv: Initialize node_t, create edge_t for this connection, send ADD_EDGE to everyone, update graph. Set allow_request to ALL
Syntax: STATUS(5), INT status_num, STRING status_str
Send: Sends my status information
Recv: Log message.
Syntax: ERROR(6), INT error_num, STRING error_str
Send: Sends an error message
Recv: Log message, end connection.
Syntax: TERMREQ(7) (no arguments)
Send: Sends a request for the other side to terminate
Recv: Terminate the connection
Syntax: PING(8) (no arguments)
Send: Set c->status.pinged to true, set c->last_ping_time to now
Recv: Send a PONG
Syntax: PONG(9) (no arguments)
Send: Nothing.
Recv: Set c->status.pinged to false, reset various timeouts because this is a known-good connection
Syntax: PACKET(17), SHORT len, ... BYTE* raw_byte_data
Send: Send a vpn_packet_t over the meta-link'
Recv: Flag the length so that receive_meta() knows that a tcppacket follows immediately.
Syntax: ADD_SUBNET(10), %x rand(), STRING owner, STRING name
- Look up owner. If they don''t exist, create them
- If we already know this subnet, finish
- If we're the alleged owner but we don't know the subnet retaliate with a DEL_SUBNET and finish
- Update our routing
- Forward the ADD_SUBNET
Syntax: DEL_SUBNET(11), %x rand(), STRING owner, STRING name
- If we don't know the owner, skip
- If we're the owner, retaliate with an ADD_SUBNET and finish
- Forward the DEL_SUBNET, if it seems like we should
- Update our routing
Syntax: ADD_EDGE(12), %x rand(), STRING from_name, STRING to_name, STRING address, STRING port, %x options, INT weight
- If we know about the edge already
- But it doesn't match a real thing, send an update ADD_EDGE to people with the real info
- Or sometimes delete the edge and redraw the graph (not sure...)
- Add the edge to our table
- Forward the message, if appropriate
- Redraw the graph
Syntax: DEL_EDGE(13), %x rand(), STRING from_name, STRING to_name
- Ignore if we don't know either of the owners or the edge itself
- If someone is telling us to delete our own edge, send them an ADD_EDGE
- Forward the message, if appropriate
- Delete the edge from our table
- Redraw graph
- If the "to" node is no longer reachable, but it had an IN route to us, DEL_EDGE it to everyone
Syntax: KEY_CHANGED(14), %x rand(), STRING my_name
Send: Send KEY_CHANGED, then immediately send ANS_KEY to all connected nodes
Recv: Mark the current key as invalid, forward to other's as appropriate
Syntax: REQ_KEY(15), STRING my_name, STRING to_name
Recv: If we're the to_name, send an ANS_KEY with our key. Otherwise, forward to the next hop
Syntax: ANS_KEY(16), STRING my_name, STRING to_name, STRING key, INT cipher, INT digest, INT mac_len, INT compression
Send: Generate and send a new key. Reset our crypto machine
Recv: Forward if it's not to us. Otherwise, read in the new key data and update info.