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Frog Prince Execute Command Test
4.1.15 The implant shall be capable of launching a process as the current user.
4.1.15.x Execute process in foreground with timeout
4.1.15.y Return standard output from process
4.1.15.z Execute process in background
4.1.15.a Execute process with parameters
- Create an executable
- accepts optional parameter string
- writes string to known file in known location e.g. c:\teststring.txt
- if no parameter specified writes known string e.g. "no string" to a different file e.g. "c:\nostring.txt"
- Write scripts for user interface
- put command for file
- execute command for file
- with a string as parameter
- without execute in foreground i.e. fire and forget
- execute command for file
- without execute in foreground i.e. fire and forget
- without any parameters
- execute "netstat" program
- wait 60+ seconds, run in foerground
- execute calc.exe program
- wait 120 seconds, run in foreground
- queue status to verify command was run
Execute Test(s)
- execute with parameters, no foreground
- copy install vector and Frog Prince module on target
- install Frog Prince
- copy program to target
- run execute script of program with a string parameter
- examine written file for string given in parameter
- execute program w/o parameters, no foreground
- copy install vector and Frog Prince module on target
- install Frog Prince
- copy program to target
- run execute script of program w/o parameter
- examine written file for hard-coded string
- execute netstat program with foreground
- copy install vector and Frog Prince module on target
- install Frog Prince
- run execute script of netstat program in foreground
- wait for output
- examine output to verify netstat ran
- execute calc.exe program with foreground
- copy install vector and Frog Prince module on target
- install Frog Prince
- run execute script of calc.exe program in foreground
- wait for output
- verify command timed out waiting for calc.exe to complete
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