Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #1179751
OSB's ESXi Server
I'll be making this page prettier as I go along but this will be a space for the details of what is running on OSB's shiny new server. (
login: devlan userid and password
There are 5 classes of VM's running on this machine:
Infrastructure (INF) - These machines are meant to support OSB's vlan or do other similar things. They are NOT meant to be used in testing, only log into them if you know what you are doing.
Utility (UTL) - These machines are shared machines like the snowcrash VM, they are not meant to be used for testing purposes and are simply a shared resource.
Listing Posts (LPListening Post) - These are many different LPs, meant to be shared and made available for testing, but are not test vm's (i.e. don't try and break them).
Bamboo (BMB) - These servers are out automated build servers, or vm's that support them, don't mess with them.
Test (TST) - These are the machines you are looking for, all are joined to the domain for the most part and should be kept up to date (They won't have PSPs installed by default). Use them, play with them, break them, but when you are done revert them to a clean snapshot.
We are on the honor system here, so work with your fellow OSBers on what is available.
Naming Convention
ESXi doesn't let us organize VM's in folders so we need to follow a strict naming convention so we don't confuse ourselves. This convention will be as follows:
So for example, a test VMVirtual Machine running Windows 7 and Office 2010 will be (TST_WIN7_OFFICE2010).
Infrastructure VM's ( -
Name | IPIP | DescriptionDes | Type |
INF_OSB1_ADMIN | | DNS, DHCP, other ADActive Directory tools | Windows Sever 2012 R2 |
INF_OSB2_WEB | | FTP, IIS, TFSFTP, | Windows Server 2012 R2 |
INF_OSB3_SQL | | SQL | Windows Server 2012 R2 |
INF_OSB4_IRC | | IRC | CentOS |