Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Design Notes
Furtive Syringe (bootstrapper)
needs to uninstall command if elinit fails.
Remote Exploitation with Persistence (on-disk)
- use EVE to exploit browser
- use SOL to break out of sandbox and escalate privileges
- mount system partition as writable,
- fetch NightSkies,
- write to flash (dyonedo(fs))
- add cdhash to trustcache
- posix_spawn(furtivesyringe)
- FurtiveSyringe
- add NS.precore to trustcache
- use launchctl api to set DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=NS.precore and reload locationd
s its modules- interpose/hook notification to prevent gps pop ups
- exit
Remote Exploitation without Persistence (in-memory)
- use EVE to exploit browser
- use SOL to break out of sandbox and escalate privileges
- fetch NightSkies, write to memory
- use SAL to inject NS pre-core into a process (locationd)
- NS pre-core uses Machinjection to
NS core - NS pre-core uses Machinjection to load NS modules from memory into process