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Create Directory With Attributes and Create Parent Directories (MISCDirectoryCreator_NTV)
Miscellaneous Module
Stash Repository: Miscellaneous Library
Module Name: MISCDirectoryCreator_NTV (Native APIApplication Programming Interface)
Module Description: This module allows for the creation of parent directories as well as allowing for creation of a directory with attributes. Using the Native APIApplication Programming Interface you can use the exposed function CreateDirectoryWithAttributes to give attributes to create a new directory with attributes. The other exposed functions allow for the creation of a directory and all missing parent directories (recursive directory creation). For example, if I want to create the directory C:\test\test2\test3 when neither C:\test nor C:\test2 exist. Using CreateRecursiveDirectoryFromPath will cause the creation of C:\test, C:\test\test2, and C:\test\test2\test3.
BOOL CreateRecurisveDirectoryFromFilePath(WCHAR *wcFilePath, DWORD dwAttribs = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL);
wcFilePath: Path to a file. All missing parent directories will be created.
dwAttribs: Attributes to be given to the directories created. Default to FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL.
Returns TRUE when successful.
BOOL CreateRecursiveDirectoryFromPath(WCHAR *wcDirectoryPath, DWORD dwAttribs = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL);
wcFilePath: Path to a folder. This directory and all missing parent directories will be created.
dwAttribs: Attributes to be given to the directories created. Default to FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL.
Returns TRUE when successful.
BOOL CreateDirectoryWithAttributes(WCHAR * wcDirectoryPath, DWORD dwAttribs);
wcFilePath: Path to a directory to be created
dwAttribs: Attributes to be given to the directory created.
Returns TRUE when successful.
PSP/OS Issues: No known issues
('excerpt' missing)
Sharing Level: Unilateral
Technique Origin: In-house
- Uses the Native APIApplication Programming Interface - Wrapper around NTCreateFile
- Only creates directories - never creates files
Module Specific Structures: N/A
Module Return Codes: Boolean return value (TRUE == SUCCESS)
Example Code:
//Create multiple directories above a file
MISCDirectoryCreator_NTV dcCreate;
BOOL bCreated = dcCreate.CreateRecurisveDirectoryFromFilePath(L"C:\\TestDir\\Making\\ANew\\Directory\\file.txt");
//Create missing directories
bRet = dcCreate.CreateRecursiveDirectoryFromPath(L"C:\\Windows\\temp\\test2\\test3");
//Create with attributes
bRet = dcCreate.CreateDirectoryWithAttributes(L"C:\\Windows\\temp2", FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN|FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM);