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Convert to UTF-8 (String Encoding Class - MISCStringEncoder_WIN32)
Miscellaneous Module
Stash Repository: Miscellaneous Library
Module Name: MISCStringEncoder_WIN32.ConvertToUTF8 (exposed as a function inside of the String Encoding Class - uses Windows APIApplication Programming Interface)
Module Description: Converts a wide character string to a UTF-8 string using the Windows APIApplication Programming Interface (WideCharToMultiByte).If successful, the returned buffer will contain a null-terminated string that must be freed by the user (by calling free()).
BOOL ConvertToUTF8(WCHAR *wcToConvert, CHAR *&cConverted);
wcToConvert: The null terminated string that is to be converted to UTF-8.
cConverted: A null buffer that will be filled with the resulting UTF-8 string. The caller must free this buffer if not null by calling free().
Returns TRUE when successful.
PSP/OS Issues: No known PSP/OS issues. Designed for XP+.
('excerpt' missing)
Sharing Level: Unilateral
Technique Origin: In-house (Windows APIApplication Programming Interface)
- Uses CP_UTF8
- Uses malloc to create the buffer returned in cConverted
- Flags set to 0 and default chars set to NULL
Module Specific Structures: N/A
Module Return Codes: Boolean return values where TRUE means SUCCESS.
Example Code:
//Encode a string and compare it
BOOL bRet;
WCHAR wcString1[] = L"Testing my string";
CHAR cString1E[] = "Testing my string"; //E = Expected, A = Actual
CHAR *cString1A = NULL;
WCHAR wcString2[] = L"ىئةىضصثقفغعهخحشسيبلاتنمئ";
CHAR *cString2A = NULL;
WCHAR wcString3[] = L"五达卡嘎哈哈解热";
CHAR *cString3A = NULL;
MISCStringEncoder_WIN32 seEncoder;
//Test English
EXPECT_TRUE(seEncoder.ConvertToUTF8(wcString1, cString1A));
EXPECT_EQ(stricmp(cString1E, cString1A), 0);
if (cString1A)
//Test Arabic
EXPECT_TRUE(seEncoder.ConvertToUTF8(wcString2, cString2A));
if (cString2A)
else EXPECT_TRUE(false);
//Test Chinese
EXPECT_TRUE(seEncoder.ConvertToUTF8(wcString3, cString3A));
if (cString3A)
else EXPECT_TRUE(false);