Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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iOS Firmware Updating to latest procedure
- See Reflash iOS Device , be sure to update Reflash Log CONFIDENTIAL
- After a device is flashed, adderall it.
After all devices are updated and adderall'd, time to generate symbols for earlies using elsym.
cd early/elsym/ghidra_analysis ./ # takes a while. table will need to be reformatted # the output we want looks like this. ("iPad4,4", "11B554a"): (0xffffff800079b790 amfi_add_hash_to_jit_cache), ("iPad4,4", "11B554a"): (0xffffff80007b6230 amfi_trust_cache), ("iPad4,4", "11B511"): (0xffffff800079b790 amfi_add_hash_to_jit_cache), ("iPad4,4", "11B511"): (0xffffff80007b6230 amfi_trust_cache), ("iPad4,4", "11B651"): (0xffffff800079b790 amfi_add_hash_to_jit_cache), ("iPad4,4", "11B651"): (0xffffff80007b6230 amfi_trust_cache), ("iPad4,2", "11B651"): (0xffffff8000b6c790 amfi_add_hash_to_jit_cache), ("iPad4,2", "11B651"): (0xffffff8000b87230 amfi_trust_cache),