Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Concepts: EDG Project Wizard
EDG Project Wizard:
- Works for Visual Studio 2010 through Visual Studio 2013
- Optimizes project settings
- Allows you to choose submodules (including the Dynamic Libraries)
- Sets up author/req #/desc etc
- Sets up a git local repository on creation of a new project
- Using the Project Wizard ensures compatibility
The EDGEngineering Development Branch project wizard will help setup the project to allow you to use any and all of the EDGEngineering Development Branch Libraries.
Located at \\fs-01\share\EDG Project Wizard\ProjectInstaller.exe
NOTE: If you wish to add a submodule to an existing project or solution, you can add a new EDGEngineering Development Branch Project to the solution and use the wizard to select the submodules. Once the submodules are added, you can remove the new project from the solution.
Concepts: Git/Stash >>
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