Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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File Collection
Stash Repository: File Collection Library
Interface Description: The interfaces for the File Collection Library are unilateral.
Still under construction.
Library Conventions: Describe any and all conventions submissions should adhere to for this library. Applying a naming convention can help with the organization of the library.
XXXXXX Member List: (ex: Execution Vector Member List where the library is execution vectors)
Technique/Class 1 with Link or Anchor to Technique - Class Name: xxxxxx
Example of technique/class in Survey Library: Get User Name(Link to Get User Name Windows APIApplication Programming Interface Module Page) - Class Name: GetUsersName_WinApi
Error Code Descriptions: List error codes with descriptions. Use either a bulleted list or the code block macro. Remember, error codes must be compatible with the SUCCEEDED() and FAILED() macros.
- Error Codes List
Code Sample Using The Library Interface: