Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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The Seven Seas Transport
The seven seas trannsport (7Seas) is a transport for Galleon testing. Systems meeting the Galleon interface specification can use 7Seas as a transport for testing. It can modify files to create transport errors as a means to test system fault handling.
7Seas Components
This is some mid level detail about the programs, files, folders, and overall runtime structure. Once installed, only seasick is normally used directly. Your Galleon system will interact only with
The seasick, setsail, and usage is described in following sections.
PROG is base program folder - defaults to /work
BASE is the base data folder - defaults to /work
DEST is a destination
SRC is a source
Component | Type | Description | Location |
---|---|---|---| | bash script | currently not executable, mostly notes on how to install and configure 7Seas | PROG | | bash script |
implements Galleon transport interface for sending files. This is the program your system calls. |
7seas | service script | starts, stops, transport monitor dockwork | /etc/init.d |
SevenSeas | package | contains and | PROG | | python script | Main monitoring program for .docks It uses pyinotify. It is imported by | PROG/SevenSeas | | pyhton script | Main program for modifying, and transporting files. It is imported by |
PROG/SevenSeas | | python script |
Package level program for invoking It is the target for soft links dockwork, atsea, seasick, and setsail |
PROG defaults to '/work' |
atsea | soft link | called from setsail this invokes scp to transport the (modified) file | PROG |
seasick | soft link |
Configuration of transport at the destination and/or destination/source level file modification settings. Also keeps scp compatible destination addresses. |
dockwork | soft link | Invoked by 7seas service, monitors files under DEST/.docks | PROG |
setsail | soft link |
Invoked by dockwork, applies file modifications and coordinates transport of file. Invokes atsea to send file via scp |
thirdparty | python package | cross process locking support | PROG |
.docks | folder |
base folder monitored for write/close, delete, and move along with all its children destinations are subfolders, sources subfolders under destination folders |
.onboard | folder | work folder where dockwork transfers files before invoking setsail | BASE |
DEST | folder | folder matching a Galleon destination label | BASE/.doc,s |
SRC | folder | folder matching a Galleon source label | BASE/.docks/DEST |
.treasuremap | text file |
one line text file. Required in destination folder or source folder or both. The format is a template for calling a subprocess whenever a file is moved or copied into a monitored folder - see installation for details |
BASE/.docks/DEST/SRC or BASE/.docks/DEST |
Galeon Files