Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Weeping Angel DR | Approach and Developer Testing Notes
During initial deployment, it was found that Fake-Off mode did not keep the wlan0 interface active. It is likely that Samsung is doing something specific when the system shuts down and the implant is not preventing that action. In contrast, the eth0 interface remains active and unaffected. Although the implant would continue to operate and collect audio, if configured to do so, while in Fake-Off, network comms through wifi are lost.
Developer Longevity Testing
The state of wlan0 was tested by pinging from another device on the same wireless network. Pings were sent every second. In the case of ping failures, there is a 2-3 second timeout in the ping application, so successive ping failures were separated by 3 seconds. Pings attempts were timestamped, and the number of ping successes and failures were recorded.
The wifiwatchdog is started at boot time and checks the status of the wifi interface once every 5 minutes. The test documented below ran for ~31 continuous hours. The number of ping successes and failure are given below to provide a general idea of link reliability. However, the logfile from the wifiwatchdog is the most interesting.
Pinger Results
Ping sucesses:
Ping failures:
wifiwatchdog logfile
Note that time stamps are relative to boot time. Not that wifiwatchdog does not start until 37 seconds after the system boots. For context, the TV enters Fake-Off about 2 minutes after initial boot
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