Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Updating DerStarke v1.4 to Yosemite
Prerequisite (non code changes):
- Xcode 6 for 10.10 SDK
- Since Xcode 6 is also in beta, it is recommended to do this in a VMVirtual Machine or non-primary dev box
- note beta Xcode's will install as, so it won't overwrite current working Xcode, but have expereinced issues in the past
- Open Xcode and set build paths to 'Legacy', under Xcode->Preferences->Locations->Advanced
- Since Xcode 6 is also in beta, it is recommended to do this in a VMVirtual Machine or non-primary dev box
- Xcode 6 Command line tools for which ever OSOperating System you're developing on
- Should work on either Mavericks or Yosemite
- Have to point xcode-select to beta version of Xcode 6
- sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/
- sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/
Checkout DerStarke (ssh://
- Make sure to do a recursive clone or submodule update to get all submodules
- Create 'yosemite' branches in derstarke, extern/bokor, and extern/darkmatter
- bokor and darkmatter will be the only two submodules we need to modify on new OSOperating System release
- (let User #73580 handle the triton stuff ;b)
- (let User #73580 handle the triton stuff ;b)
- bokor and darkmatter will be the only two submodules we need to modify on new OSOperating System release
Changes to DerStarke
Top level builder needs to pass build arguments to DerStarke submodules
- in file preconfig.plist (and the two sample debug.plist and release.plist)
- Add a new plist entry for Yosemite under Persistence options
- config['Persistence Config']['Yosemite Support']
- Set this option to true, but might want to set Mountain Support to false since Xcode usually only ships with latest 2 SDK's
- You can add MLion SDKSoftware Development Kit from previous Xcode if wanted to support more than two OSXs
- Add a new plist entry for Yosemite under Persistence options
- in file
- in function modify_inf
- All darkmatter components (drivers and apps) use INF files for build options; modify_inf modifies the actual INF text files under extern/darkmatter
- Add 'if statement' for existence of config['Persistence Config']['Yosemite Support']
- note the added build option of '-DYOSEMITE_IMPLANT ' only needs to be given to loader_inf since no other component of darkmatter cares about OS
- note the space at the end of the build string is important
- in function modify_inf
- in function build_kernal_payload
- Add 'if clause' to TWO places for yosemite checks at beginning of function
- (One while iterating through plist config, and one while building bokor build string)
- Add 'if clause' to TWO places for yosemite checks at beginning of function
- Would also not be a bad idea to mod the help intro
- in function build_kernal_payload
Changes to Bokor (extern/bokor)
We need to add schemes and targets for Yosemite SDKSoftware Development Kit for the kernel_loader
- Open in Xcode (or use open bash command) src/kernel_loader/bokor.xcodeproj
- (not to be confused with src/bokor.xcodeproj)
- There should be an expand arrow to see all the targets in the current bokor project (currently 35)