Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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iOS Developer Tips & Tricks
Displaying the list of Xcode environment variables. These are accessible a script in a build phase.
xcodebuild -project machinjection.xcodeproj -target "machinjection" -showBuildSettings
Dumping kernelcache on iOS 8
- Build el_read from the elutil project.
- cd into the '12' directory.
- run el_read as follows:
- For 64 bit, you need to read 24 MB from the kernel base address:
$ python redux execute – Build/Release-iPhoneOS/elutil/12/el_read -rs 0xffffff8002002000 0x1800000 > /tmp/kernelcache_ascii
- For 32 bit, you need to read 16 MB from the kernel base address:
$ python redux execute – Build/Release-iPhoneOS/elutil/12/el_read -rs 0xffffff8002002000 0x1000000 > /tmp/kernelcache_ascii
- For 64 bit, you need to read 24 MB from the kernel base address:
- The output kernelcache is in ASCII, so convert to raw binary:
cat /tmp/kernelcache_ascii | xxd -r -ps > /tmp/kernelcache_raw
- Finally, processes it using mop to move kernel extensions into the right place for better disassembly:
python mop/ -u kernelcache /tmp/kernelcache_raw