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Windows MAC Address Whitelisting Snippet
This function is used to identify whether the box contains a MACApple Operating System address that is also in a configured list of MACApple Operating System addresses. The input of the function is a semi-colon delimited list of MACApple Operating System addresses. The calling function is responsible for generating and freeing the whitelist.
Example Input: AC:10:FE:BB:38:12;03-38-77-C3-D6-AA;
Usage: if(FailedWhitelist(wcMACList)) goto notOurTarget; //this is not the machine we want to execute on
BOOL FailedWhitelist(WCHAR *wcWhitelist)
if(wcWhitelist == NULL) return FALSE;
WCHAR *wcWhitelistCopy = (WCHAR *) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, (wcslen(wcWhitelist) + 2) * sizeof(WCHAR));
memcpy(wcWhitelistCopy, wcWhitelist, wcslen(wcWhitelist) * sizeof(WCHAR));
INT32 iWhitelistLen = wcslen(wcWhitelistCopy);
for(INT32 iIterate = 0; iIterate < iWhitelistLen; iIterate++)
if(wcWhitelistCopy[iIterate] == L';')
wcWhitelistCopy[iIterate] = 0x0000;
if(wcWhitelistCopy[iIterate] == L'-') //if it's in a different format
wcWhitelistCopy[iIterate] = L':';
//iterate MACApple Operating System Addresses looking for match
LoadWMISurvey(FLG_ADAPTER_INFO, pailAdapters, NULL, NULL, NULL, pplProcList);
WCHAR *wcMac = wcWhitelistCopy;
while ((*wcMac) && bMACNotFound)//Go through each one until we hit a null.
PADAPTER_INFO_LIST pailAdapter = pailAdapters;
while(pailAdapter != NULL && bMACNotFound)
if(_wcsicmp(pailAdapter->aiAdapter.wcMACAddress, wcMac) == 0) bMACNotFound = FALSE;
pailAdapter = pailAdapter->panNextAdapter;
if(bMACNotFound) wcMac += wcslen(wcMac) + 1;
if(wcWhitelistCopy != NULL) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, wcWhitelistCopy);
return bMACNotFound;
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