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Creating a Winshell Test Environment
So you've created a new tool but you need to test it using winshell (NOD's FIO shell tool)... Have no fear, the latest Winshell updates have made the configuration process easier.
Step-by-step guide
Setup the "Execution Platform Environment"
- Install a base Ubuntu VMVirtual Machine with a Desktop GUI.
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install build-essential
- sudo apt-get install libc6:i386
- sudo apt-get install libssl0.9.8:i386
- sudo apt-get install libssl1.0.0:i386
- sudo apt-get install libstdc++6:i386
- (optional) sudo apt-get install vim
- Change directory to /opt
- Unzip WP_C_Python-2.7.3-binaries.tgz inside of /opt
- Unzip the Winshell-unconfigured/bin folder to /opt/winshell
The Winshell-unconfigured/bin folder can be acquired from User #77732 in NOD. Refer to Appendix C of the Winshell 2.3 User's Guide for more information.
Configure a winshell for testing
- cd /opt/winshell
- vi testtools/beacon.conf
- Edit the Servers variable with the correct hostname and IP address of your beacon server.
- make creds
- Use a passphrase that is easy to remember for testing.
- sh
- creds.tgz contains several files that you will need later.
- make config
- Several EXEs and a config folder will be created in the testtools directory.
Setup a Winshell Beacon Server (LPListening Post)
Setup a Winshell Controller (Interactive LPListening Post)
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