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Owner: User #1179751
Making life less painful with PyCharm
For those of you using gedit or similar to write you dart scripts there is a better way. I was searching for a decent IDEIntegrated Development Environment for Python on Linux and stumbled upon PyCharm. I've found this IDEIntegrated Development Environment to be pretty nice, and with a little tweaking it allows for you to auto complete Dart methods.
Step-by-step guide
To make life better, do the following1:
- Install PyCharm2
- Create a new Python project and set it up to have the correct leafbag structure.
- In PyCharm select File -> Settings -> Project Structure
- On the right of this window you should see "Add Content Root", add the following3:
- ~/Dart/tybase201408/src
- ~/Dart/tyutils/leafbag
- Create a new python script which will be your main leaf
- Add the following code so that you can auto complete the host object:
#This should seem familiar because it is required for all leafs
import tybase.undermine.leaf as leaf
import tybase.undermine.meta.leafi as leafi
#This is a hack to allow us to enumerate the host object
import tybase.palantir.client
import tybase.undermine.client
#Back to the familiar
class MyAwesomeTest(leaf.Leaf):
def run(self):
host = self.hosts[0]
#this finishes the hack
assert isinstance(host, tybase.palantir.client.Client)
assert isinstance(host, tybase.undermine.client.Client)
Doing these steps will allow PyCharm to autocomplete a lot of the Dart methods, furthermore User #1179755 found that if you hit Ctrl+Q you can get any documentation they have on said method (hit or miss if they have any). Good luck and happy coding.
1: This article assumes you have already setup your machine to have tybase, tyworflow, and tyutils pulled down.
2: PyCharm is made by the JetBrains guys and can be found at their website, or you can download PyCharm Community Edition v3.1.3 (which I am using for this how to) from \\fs-01\share\Linux\utilities
3: This is assuming we created our repos in ~/Dart/, this could be something different on your machine.
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