Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #8650754
Tools Overview
This tool is used to convert standard PEPrivilege Escalation DLLDynamic Link Library files to AMMAll My Movies (data files) files.
ToolPEtoAMM Conversion Tool:
arguments: <source file> <destination file> <tools>
optional <tools> -> jenkins(default), rol, elf, superfast
1) Strip the PEPrivilege Escalation file header and replace with minimalistic loader variables
2) Mask import modules names (currently simply shifting all characters to left by 1)
3) Convert import function names to hashes. NOTE: The first AMMAll My Movies (data files) to be included within the AMPArbitrary Map (data file format) should be the hash implementation.
4) Master.dll – this is a magic name in the build system to allow the loader to mask the name of this module but still be able to reference it during the load. NOTE: internally referenced as ”XO”
5) Remove all other module dll name from the export information.
6) Clean any residual debug information in the module.
This tools is used to bind AMMAll My Movies (data files) files into a single package (AMPArbitrary Map (data file format)).
ToolPackageAMP Tool:
arguments: <amp file> <amm file>
1) Appends new AMMAll My Movies (data files) files into a single file
NOTE: no AMMAll My Movies (data files) header is added during the packaging phase. The AMM_HEADER contains a size of the block and is sufficient to enumerate through the entire list of AMMAll My Movies (data files) modules.
2) NOTE: the hash implementation must be the first module included within the package
This tools is used to build a PKG file from master.amm and an AMPArbitrary Map (data file format) file.
ToolPackagePKG Tool:
arguments: <package file> <AMP - package file> <AMM - master file>
package file - destination file for delivery
AMP - package file - package file created with ToolPackager
AMM - master file - module file created with ToolPEtoAMM
1) Fixes up the shell code assembly instructions and header information.
This tool is used to generate a hash value for a specific tool type.
HASH Display Tool:
arguments: <string> <tool>>
tools: jenkins(default), rol, elf, superfast