Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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The Gibson
Queue Proxy
The Que Proxy runs on the C2. It takes commands from the Transport and User Interfaces.
The Queue runs on the LP. It takes commands from the Transport and Beacon (cgi script) Interfaces.
Queue Ingester
The Queue Ingester allows the transport interface to be standard across multiple products. It is a simple script that maps the transport interface to specific Gibson Queue and Que Proxy usage. It essentially maps sender and destination from the transport and adds an --ingest flag.
qingest <sender> <destination> <filename>
sender = alphanumeric tag used by transport as sending address
destination = alphanumeric tag
filename = alphanumeric qualified file path and name of file for Queue or Queue Proxy to ingest
Queue Tar File
This is the single file package transported between CP and LP.